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Home2018 Legislative Session Recap

2018 Maryland Legislative Session Recap

Every year, the Maryland General Assembly considers upwards of 2,500 bills of which as many as 700 or more may become law. And all this happens during a 90 day session! MRN advocates on behalf of the Maryland recycling community to ensure that legislative initiatives achieve their stated goals in a cost- and time-effective manner without creating unintended consequences that hobble our mission to promote a healthy, sustainable environment. If you’re not a member, please support our efforts byjoining today. Click here to see membership options.

2018 Legislative Update: MRN stated its position on four bills impacting the Maryland recycling community. Below are details on each bill as well as MRN’s position and current status.

HB0127   Prince George’s County – Authority to Impose Fees for Use of Disposable Bags PG 420-18

Authorizing Prince George’s County to impose, by law, a fee on certain retail establishments for use of disposable bags as part of a retail sale of products; limiting the amount of the fee to no more than 5 cents for each disposable bag used; and defining “disposable bag” as a plastic bag provided by a store to a customer at the point of sale. Status – Stalled in Committee

HB0538   Environment – Expanded Polystyrene Food Service Products – Prohibition
Prohibiting a person from selling in the State a certain expanded polystyrene food service product on or after January 1, 2019; prohibiting certain food service businesses and certain schools from selling or providing food in certain expanded polystyrene food service products on or after January 1, 2019; requiring a county health department to impose certain penalties for violations of the Act; requiring a county health department to notify the Department of the Environment of certain violations; etc.
Status – Stalled in Committee

HB0572   Income Tax – Oyster Shell Recycling Credit – Maximum Allowable Amount and Sunset Repeal
Increasing the maximum allowable amount from $750 to $1,500 of a certain credit against the State income tax for certain bushels of oysters shells recycled during a taxable year; applying certain provisions of the Act to all taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017; and repealing certain termination provisions.
Status – Passed

MRN Position - In Favor

HB0850   Solid Waste Management and Recycling – Mattresses and Box Springs
Requiring a certain county plan to designate, on or before July 1, 2019, an appropriate agency of the county to be responsible for creating a workable plan to address the disposal of mattresses and box springs and the expansion and development of certain businesses for certain purposes; requiring the Office of Recycling within the Department of the Environment to encourage certain programs that divert mattresses and box springs from disposal in landfills and incinerators; etc.
Status – Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation

MRN Position – Opposed with Recommendations

HB1242   Solar Photovoltaic Recycling
Establishing a solar photovoltaic recycling fee; requiring a person installing a solar electric generating facility in the State to pay the fee beginning October 1, 2018; establishing the Solar Photovoltaic Recycling Fund; requiring 20% of the first sale price of each renewable energy credit sold to be deposited into the Fund; providing the purpose of the Fund is to provide funding for technologies and processes that assist with the recycling of solar photovoltaic systems; etc.
Status – Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters

SB0153    Income Tax Credit – Oyster Shell Recycling – Sunset Extension
Extending the termination date of a tax credit allowed for recycling oyster shells from June 30, 2018, to June 30, 2023.
Status – Passed

MRN Position – In Favor

SB0844  Environment – Newsprint Recycling Board – Repeal and Transfer of Authority
Repealing the provisions of law that establish the Newsprint Recycling Board; authorizing the Secretary of the Environment, rather than the Board, to exempt a publisher from certain recycled content requirements under certain circumstances; providing that the Secretary’s failure to act on a certain application under certain circumstances, rather than the Board’s failure to act, is an approval of the application; etc.
Status – Passed

MRN Position – In Favor

MD Recycling Laws “On the Books”

•    Maryland Recycling Act
•    Composting 2011

Maryland General Assembly home page

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